The plausibly deniable Ashkenazi-Jew gambit fails again.



Some people claim the Jews are ‘ASHKENAZI’ rather than real Jews.


What about the Norman Conqueror ones who conquered Gaul Britain Italy & the Vatican in 1082 & the Holy (sic) Land in the crusades & who then ruled Europe as feudal lords & kings while keeping the Templar-gold financier thing going til they morphed into the Freemasons (Changed their name) in the early 17th century, before conquering everything else?


If you read some of my earlier posts, you’ll learn how Solomon made a deal with the devil (Literally) for his 1200 offspring to rule the world & then married them off into the Assyrian Babylonian Hittite Egyptian & other royal families, offspring of his offspring even being on the throne of Rome at the time of the Julian Caesars, also on the thrones of Assyria & Babylon at the time the Diaspora sent some of the tribes to early Afghanistan & China (Han) & even India (Sikh) as well as Scandinavia where they literally followed their unholy book’s advice to the letter & slaughtered all heathen males & girls with a broken hymen.


Again, it was ‘THEIR OWN CORRUPT LEADERS’ in control of the countries that forced the Diaspora onto them. The Scandinavian Diaspora were the ones who became Norman Conquerors & eventually present day Illuminati Masons & many Jews of fair complexion. When the long prophesied 3rd destruction of Jerusalem occurs, that also will come about from a foreign nation under the control of Masonic politicians secretly descended from this same line of Jews who’ve run shit for 900+ years. As to why, apart from the goal of world conquest & total fascist control, I’ve no real idea cause I’m no longer that interested in any of it anymore, yet I’ve checked my facts & sources four times over.


Both the Babylonian & Roman destructions of Jerusalem & the resulting Diaspora occurred while Jews descended from Solomon were on the thrones of those countries & ditto with Assyria. They’ve done this before without an ‘Askenazi’ (sic) & they’ll do it again.


Ashkenazi-Nazi in my holy freaking Stazi in the Khazi (sic)


You must know Adolph Hitler & Eichmann etc can trace their lineage back through these Assyrian Diaspora conquerors of Scandinavia with the big noses who then went on to become the current slightly inbred secretly Jewish world Illuminati elite who’ve blessed the world in uncle Abe’s patriarchal name while worshipping Solomon’s methods of conquest?


(Solomon advised them to steal a nation’s gold & use it to conquer them)

(That’s exactly what they’ve done to America & Europe ever since 1913)







PS: Would you like to know why any of this even matters anymore?


Currently, many highly complicated interlocking treasonous conspiracies run by mostly faceless people behind world Illuminati & the hidden Jewry within Masonry, as well as secretly Jewish eugenic offspring of the ‘SS’ who ran German National Socialism, is edging the world towards an extremely high tech genocidal cataclysm on the Goyim of the world.


They have a master plan which will kill over 6.5 billion human beings over a six year period after the next major US false flag which will also result in the deaths of near 3 out of 5 of the 500 million humans who descend from the fecundity of the Norman Conquerors themselves. In the process of setting up the American Military to be pawns in their endeavour. they like to claim that some rabid brand of Saudi ‘WAHABI’ Muslim Terror + all of the many groups it has admittedly indirectly spawned pulled off the 911 attacks.


In an attempt to rewrite history they’re falsely claiming groups such as the CIA created controlled & funded ‘AL-QUEADA’ were the perpetrators of the 911 attacks on the American state. The reality on the other hand is that no Muslim on the planet had the ability to get both NORAD to stand down nor get the US Air Force to fly to Alaska on the day too. There are just way too many holes in the Jewish lie & above is the reason they’re doing it.


In addition to placing the high tech nature of the Star Wars mechanisms needed to accomplish the near complete demoleculisation of both Twin Towers & the obvious explosives placed in Bldg 7 to bring that down, would have taken the direct participation of a Freemason elite which has long been well blackmailed by it’s 33rd degree leaders, yet ever since Hoover’s files went missing, blackmailed by the Illuminati-fascists themselves.


It all had to have been done well beforehand, perhaps even many years beforehand at the very time they were constructed in the late 60’s &\or early 70’s as the buildings were being built under supervision of a company originally started by none other than secretly Jewish German descended Masonic financial plutocrat & Nazi financier Prescott fcuking Bush.


No conspiracy here folks! ‘JUST US CIRCUMCISED PATRIOTIC DCUKS!’ (sic)


Money for financing this massive world conspiracy came from private banks aligned with the US Fed asset stripping Wall St after the 1929 crash & the soul destroying depression which followed (At the end of which they owned everything) & that money was then ‘LITERALLY’ sent to Nazi Germany to rearm it for the military under (Secretly Jewish) ‘SS’ control for the fascist rape of Europe & ‘The theft of it’s gold’ under Hitler. No matter what you think, that stolen gold was (Illegally) loaned back to the Jewish owned US Fed in 1973 under the cover story of the loan coming from secret gold stocks the Japanese never found.


The only group that could pull that off is “THE MASONS” whose history is very accurately if very sparsely covered above, being the gradual change of the more obvious post Norman Conqueror Diaspora Jew fascists into the less obvious Masonic front. Anyone who thinks otherwise is of course free to think whatever the fcuk they wish, even tho they’re wrong.


Anything else you may wish to know is covered in the previous 200+ posts!




About spacelizardlaw

Hmmm... Christ implied prophetical people like me get monuments built for them once they're dead so Ye-Hah & Whoopee & don't spare the embalming cream...
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