Redemption Songs Suck… This one’s for freedom…

Probably plus 10 or even 20-minute music vid with a sad silly melodic hauntingly beautiful or even for the first chorus only a Monty Python style idiotic lumberjack type chorus… (s)


It’s the overly opiated dreaming hitchhiker’s guide to a galactic universe…

An overly opiated dreaming hitchhiker’s guide to a real universe in verse…

There are more things in heaven & earth Ham-a-lot  than in your libraries books…

More things in earth & the heavens young Harry than your grandfather’s dirty looks…

A silly dirge about the cafeteria that got lost in a very dark song…

At the edge of the physical universe because everything is wrong…

It doesn’t even exist yet so isn’t even out there now…

When it finally is it won’t be there for very long…

So spin on this & go give birth to a cow…

Beware of laughing at a cafeteria that got lost in a very dark song made…

By an overly opiated dreaming hitchhiker’s guide to the real galaxy we curse…

The overly opiated hitchhiker’s guide to a really righteous well run universe…

End of chorus… (sic)


A Monty Python moment in a half-metal half acoustic half-thrash song…??? Why-not…???

Cynical creative preamble to a quasi-sarcastic scene where the camera pans to look-alikes of Crosby Stills Nash & Young singing the “DREAM” song about a Silver Spaceship carrying mother nature’s Silver Seed (SS) to a new home in the sun only part way through the strings break & the necks of the guitars fall off & then as they all slowly (All old & at least three heavily bearded) reach down to get whatever idiot shite the creative crew among the band would like to maliciously dream-up & place at their feet the old farts all burp & break wind & then curse the young 3 Yorkshiremen style for not knowing what they were never told…


The tone of the entire video is deadly gothic serious but occasionally stealing enough Crosby Stills Nash & Young to get noticed yet not enough to get sued & whoever does this video can of course consult re-edit edit or argue the point if I’m opiated or pissed but otherwise notice the Copyright symbols & simply get busy & find the funding & studio resources & lets kick some class because although I’ve promised this free to one particular band get in quick otherwise someone else might actually pay)


Verse… (s)

In my dream I-saw a service vehicle armoured & strongly built…

With massive cannon plasma lasers armed-up to the hilt…

Engines batteries parts & spares to last a long galactic war…

Their path will take them out where no-one’s ever been before…

I-dreamed a scary son of-a scientific mother was always prowling up-on the bridge…

His crew would swear he walked a straight-edge path too closely to the fucking edge…

Speeding through the mapped-out galaxies with the pedal hard to the floor…

Ready to live on for just a little-bit longer or just die now & give some more…

Going faster than the speed of light was bad but not always totally mad…

Travelling quietly bent on grace & peaceful payback that‘s all so fucking sad…

With 5000 years of spiritual will within wisdom wit panache & dare…

If you cross these crazy mater-fakers you’re a sucker who’d best beware…

On a journey out to the edge of space past where nothing that matter’s never goes…

To avoid that journey make your life be simple & don’t step-on the ‘ENLIL’ toes…

As the speed keeps rising anything not in the map gets blown to smithereens…

This rig & it’s crew are all on Special Duties Ops & not at all is what it seems…

One stop to rest is all the Captain allows the journey both out & in…

With a cargo that the Asians wrongly label Satanic pariah Jin…

One stop at a mythical Cafeteria at the very edge of the Universe…

To unmuzzle hypocrite prisoners with taunting song & lilting verse…

With a cup of drugged coffee or a drug-laced smoke…

Or one last drugged meal as a self-inflicted joke…

With their left-hand or right hand or both a diddle…

Watch the Zionists play their own damned fiddle…


Filler chorus for the rest of the song… (s)

Soon enough the time will come & the muzzle goes back on…

It’s only one physical prisoner but a million souls of song…

A siren’s song leading hearts astray for millennia of years…

Ancient fucking Wisdom creating Ancient fucking Tears…

A million sons of Solomon who’ve caused billions to be lost…

With 100,000 hateful Zionist bitches who’d never counted cost…

If asked the Captain’s name he answers Jack E Bloody Frost…


Everything is in order & the prisoner (s) will be placed in the vehicle down in the hold…

Carrying life support for over 10,000 years in case he (They) should get kind-of old…

Ceremoniously aimed right out into nothingness…

Long gone in a flash of blinding blue light…

It’s cargo of hypocrite soul-trash evil starts a journey making things right…

Out to nowhere & into nothing to fight with nothing but a forever long night…

Soon it’s faster than the speed of light…

It just goes ever faster then for sure…

To inherit their eternal nothingness…

A free consciousness crushing bore…


Chorus or (s) again…


No curved delusional space-time vortex will ever stop the inevitable eternal reward…

For a pack of heartless pigs who thought Ancient Wisdom was the right to defraud …

As a quadrillion years passes slowly by & the second hand ticks only one…

Only then the lying hypocrite bastards fully realise what they’ve all done…

Never to physically live again after the cloned ‘ENLIL’ body dies…

Never again to Satanically affect the living with selfish alibis…

Unable to cease existing consciously evermore…

With no way out & no-way to seek a final end…

Wouldn’t have happened if they valued truth…

Good-faith & decency & a true friend as proof…


Chorus or (s) again…


Now nevermore darken simple hearts with grief & ancient why’s…

Now nevermore again the little-ones paying for bleeding kosher lies…

Then the Captain & his bad-ass crew recall the host of all heaven are waiting…

So they’ll remember not to bring the evil back-in with a memory of their hating…

Because in a gazillion years the Children of the Kingdom will travel on still more…

Though long since dead their eternal outer darkness is a one-way eternal door…

In honour & memory of the billions of souls who were lost in a lake of fire…

Only ever meant to destroy the devils & not be an innocent’s funeral pyre…

Why the Children of the Kingdom cut their deal with the devil & cut-it so true… (sic)

Rather than deal faithfully with collateral they’re happy to dump it all on me & you…

Fear for the fearful tomorrow they face & the consequences of what they’ll do…

As they’ll all just do unto others until stopped what they’d just stick all up you…

The Outer Darkness awaits them as an eternal dwelling place…

No peace no light no love no joy or even a set-up table place…


Chorus or (s) again…


No servants lackeys male or female bondage or mere trivial pursuits…

No dick vagina mouth or anus or bone-dry humourless serf-roots…

Conscious with no purpose or rhyme & no reason or useful real meaning…

Sell us-all your next Illuminati excuse with the gravity of all your scheming…

Masters of the Ancient Wisdom…???

Ancient Masters of the Universe…???

Earthbound for over 5000+ years…

Why are you all so earthbound now…???

With your wisdom what’s your curse…???


Chorus or (s) again…


Now pray tell-me in the big plan of things…

Who the fuck has done went too far…

Tell me who you claim to be…

I’ll tell you what you are…

Replay first chorus… (s)


(Non-Spoken bit)

Spoken word by someone who’s either sweet or very-very weird…

Like Vincent Price or that little weird guy from the Police movies…

Perhaps Pink when she’s menstruating or Elton John in his bad time…

Cicci-One when she’s celibate or Slick Willy when he’s out of cigars…

(Spoken-bit) “Cause I’m going out there like a bat out of hell on a mission to eternally avenge & I’ll be speeding to the place that’s right near the edge but I’m coming right back-in then too & Ah-shite I’ve done finally run myself right out of rhyming juice but what is that to you all you horrible little kiddly-winks“…???

Sleep-tight & don’t let the blood-sucking Illuminati master’s bite…

ROBBY (Ben-Astor) (Nee-Eichmann) (Snicker) DANIEL…   © ®    11/10/11


1 Response to Redemption Songs Suck… This one’s for freedom…

  1. No-wonder I-used to mostly scare myself when I-was a very young kid…

    Anyone want to do some satirical & spiritual high-tech Zombie movies…?

    (Seriously) (Something if-not wholly constructive then at least non-violent)


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