The recent US world history lesson your teacher might get shot for teaching you…

Here’s some simple historical comment on real stuff…

(To piss on the Stars & Stripes just ignore all the truth)

Due to whom my biological Nazi Jew father was rather than merely the man who’d married my mother while still a little boy I’d literally fallen in with some very evil men some of whom who were paid by the US Taxpayer & because of that I’d begun to learn real world history hidden to most of the media-led world except some Masons & other criminals & even though these men ran nothing themselves & were merely errand boy’s & paid killers for the Illuminati who’d financed WW2 they really did know the dirty low down dirt…

From assassinating the Kennedy’s upwards…

The dirty lowdown on who was a treasonous dog…

Sometimes it was them but mostly it was their leaders…

Then when they themselves became the leaders they were dogs…

The following true info  is not necessarily in strict chronological order…

What made their info really interesting was that 95+ % of the time it was given to me up front in advance well before the fact as in the murder of JFK & then the Gulf of Tonkin incident & the USS Liberty attack & the murder of Martin Luther King according to them using the African American Malcolm-X as the shooter who’s death they’d already faked in New Yoik (Really) as well as the death of Bobby Kennedy in the hotel kitchen…

These are factual truthful honest accurate words people…

Maybe look those eight words up in a fcuking dictionary…

In a way it was just as well there was a strong attempt by these men to awe & intimidate me & maybe they’d have got away with it except for the way they hurt my mother & humiliated & belittled me because then after being lied to one too many times eventually resulting in the loss (Death) of someone that I’d really loved I’d ceased to take ‘ANYTHING’ they’d say at face value ever again as from 7 onwards I’d believe nothing without 4 confirmations…

While literally being serially raped drugged threatened terrorised brainwashed & tortured within the “PACIFIC RING OF FIRE” paedophile ring CIA mostly ran for the Illuminati for the political blackmail of politicians businessmen priests & even CIA themselves I’d heard from these people running it of many other acts of state treason such as CIA arranging (Paying) for retired French Generals to train the NVA as well as giving US Troop Movement info to Viet Cong which sources claim resulted in the deaths of 30,000 extra US Military in a war that would not have even started without the Gulf of Tonkin lie to justify it…

Anyway I’ll just list the rest & again please remember that until around 1985 all of these sources were for the most part just US Taxpayer funded US Government CIA employees & the simple fact was they’d known all of the aforementioned stuff well before it happened with such arrogance clarity high handed contempt & bravado it was obvious they planned it…

In many cases they had openly admitted to (Bragged about) helping engineer or perform the situations themselves on the orders of their superiors & at other times they were interested in playing the good guy role so they’d blame someone else or explain how & why they’d had no choice & when I’d finally pieced it all together it was a case of whatever that Latin phrase is for ‘GUILTY AS ALL HELL’ your Honour (Colpevole come inferno il vostro Honour?) even though they’d possibly truthfully explain they were only doing what they had to because they were being blackmailed by their own Illuminati &\or CIA lords masters &\or bosses…

They were all trapped in a pyramid of political blackmail…

All of their bosses in CIA were & their bosses made sure all of their employees also were so they’d never be able to use what they knew to get even because if there’s one mistake their Illuminati Masters always made it was to try to break the spirit of their pawns as if that would gain their servile loyalty so they always needed the blackmail card as backup…

Work out why the US Constitution is being dismantled…

They’re all trapped in a pyramid of political blackmail…

Only a 100% Congressional Amnesty can save us now…

A 100% Amnesty simply for telling 100% of the truth…

So anyway again then there was the illegal bombing of Laos I-was told of beforehand which Congress was lied to over & ditto the cover up of human trafficking performed in Cambodia by the Illuminati which resulted in the genocide deaths of around 400,000 people to cover up the abductions of another 1.6 million & again all while lying to Congress about it (Treason) as well as the smaller Phoenix operation (Ditto) & the Air America heroin shipped stateside for the specific purpose of corrupting City Hall with political blackmail over corruption…

(The treason was conspiratorial & the conspiracy treasonous)

Everything treasonous listed was all told to me beforehand…

Literally look up the word ‘TRUTH’ in the dictionary book…

Hoover’s death & his files being stolen to force Congress through blackmail over sexual or financial peccadilloes to pass the legislation needed to enable the $500 Billion dollar S&L fraud as well as preacher Benny Hinn’s biological cousin Bernie Madeoff being placed in his financial role well in advance to launder big money under the cover of massive theft…

Look up the word “BEFOREHAND’ in a dictionary…

Ayatollah Khomeini Moulamein Gaddafi & Saddam Hussein being placed in power by both the British & American spies & then the Iranian Embassy siege CIA arranged (Treason) (It all is) & then the rescue sabotage & the Lebanese Marine suicide bombing conspiracy & the Ganda bombing piracy meant to solence politically active US Special Forces over the MIA’s fate & after that the sources changed as the originals moved on or upwards into the highest offices of the American government only to be replaced by another CIA pawn (Employee) who was illegally holding Plutonium refining contracts on behalf of the very same people who‘d told me of JFK‘s murder before the event…

(There were many other Satanic crimes but I’m just listing the treason)

So now the info came slower either through the lower order CIA or their lackeys & there was still some occasional info from the old Nazi friends of my bio-father & their friends like the (Literally) Challenger crash (Three weeks before) & the Lockerbie crash & for the Australian there was the Sydney Hilton bombing & the bombing of constable Angela Taylor & the murders of constables Tynan & Eyre in Melbourne but back to American treason…

Try the first Gulf War where Hussein was given back-channel permission to invade the state of Kuwait in a pre-arranged gambit where the US would gain the big distraction they needed from their leader’s financial crimes under Reagan-omics & there was the Sarin gas attack the Japanese Guru yoga man & his group were set up to take the fall for & also the murder of Saddam’s Son in Law by Western Intelligence after he spent 3 months in the US saying Iraq had already disarmed all their WMD’s & in case you’ve forgotten that Iraq war killed many Iraqis Kuwaitis & American soldiers too but mostly just Iraqis…

Then according to the CIA employee that arranged the bombing of Angela Taylor & personally whacked Tynan & Eyre & was dumb enough to brag about it before & after & according to the same man who only spoke after the following incident (Disinformation?) there was a sad Satanic grenade attack on a young girl in America where she was deliberately surgically mutilated & raped after but anyway the same man (Eric) literally told me of the Okalahoma bombing a full twelve months ‘BEFORE’ it happened America…

Try looking up the word “BEFORE’ in a dictionary Yanks…

(He was on the Jim Luehrer Show way back in 2005 in person)

(The same man killed Sian Kingey & NOT the two twits convicted)

(That’s the cold hearted bastard who really killed Tynan & Eyre himself)

Ignoring the shameful treatment of US veterans since Vietnam is  it cowardice hypocrisy or stupidity that’s stops America seeing things like the state sponsored Okalahoma attack as the beginning of the attempt by the treasonous sections of the US political elite to trick them into surrendering their constitution after those leaders were blackmailed into a corner by the Illuminati before actually becoming Illuminati themselves & then successfully hoodwinking them all into a total ignorance of all truth…?

Are average Jews naively serving these Satanic Illuminati methods & goals because they think they see an advantage behind still being blackmailed about Hitler being an Astor Jew & among American Illuminati Jews are they still being blackmailed by fellow Illuminati to misuse the moronic robotic knew-jerk patriotism of the US citizens who’d already nearly all ignored the previous acts of state treason listed here…

The intention to run the African Embassy Bombings to try to begin tying me into those stupid American Government run acts of state terror through something I’m supposed to have said in the non existent privacy of my own very un-private residence is the height of obscenity after a lifetime of it & still these treasonous fools running Washington Whitehall & Windsor imply that somehow I’m a bloody trouble maker & they were merely caught up in the Machiavellian machinations of a small bitter twisted little man who didn’t know his place & who was thus seeking revenge…

Then came 911 & not only did the same CIA employee “ERIC” give me a full 12 months prior notice on top of the original CIA source from the 60’s & 70’s also telling me of their intentions to bring the Towers down in a black-op literally while they were still being erected there’s also the fact that same CIA man met the Australian “PETER WILLIAM VANSTONE” who took the place of the original Saudi born “OSAMA” on US Television in between 1997 to 2004 twice back in the 70’s to my personal knowledge & as he’d once told me face to face in the late 70’s that my friend “VANSTONE” was the spitting image of an uncooperative Saudi Mujahadeen who’d refused to play ball then how come that same employee couldn’t remember he’d met that man in Australia back in the 70’s people…

That old CIA employee from the 60’s & 70’s was one “Geo Bertie Walkman Butch” (Bitch) who was also AKA known as “COWBOY” in his Vietnam days because of his cowboy boots & Texas cowboy hat when he was in charge of things like the Viet Cong never getting too many losses & Air America always having a few soldiers with empty chest cavities ready to hold large bags of heroin so now why don’t all you Jews Yanks Pommies Frenchies Aussies & others all go fly a fcuking kite real close to a serious thunderstorm with a piece of very conductive wet string attached…

Like I’ve recently repetitively said everything you touch inevitably turns to shite & that’s because you’ve created a world political system within a black-op & as such your basic premise is always a lie to begin with & then all you ever seem able to do is come up with bigger & bigger lies to cover the lies you already said…

Are you Illuminati Jews & your pissant peasant Jew pawns & puppets really absolutely sure you’re going to be able to use your occult to protect you from the billions who’ll eventually seek their revenge on you for the flippant way you’re intent on going ahead with feudal fascist pomposity & the certain cruel mass neutron bomb genocide your lies will create…?

Me the troublemaker…?

Fcuking incredible liars…?

Son’s of the father of all lies…?

ROBBY (Ben-Astor) (Nee-Eichmann) DANIEL…

© ® 3/2/12

PS: Roughly 3000 years ago wise old King Solomon (sic) decided average Jews were all completely expendable & felt no angst or remorse in bartering their souls for his offspring to control the future of world politics, but just as Christ’s temptation narration explains it’s the devil Lucifer who is “GOD OF THIS WORLD” & for Solomon to do a deal with this so called “GOD” all he & his descendenfs had to do do was literally worship the devil…

Illuminati Jews have done this for a 1000 years since the Normans…

Most Jews are secretly doing this 24\7 & have been for 150 + years…

They’re plotting the murder of all Goyim in revenge for the 3 Diaspora…

Someone should explain to them that it was always Jews screwing Jews…

Even Adolph fcuking Hitler was a literal fcuking Jew & the devil owns them…

Since the days of the British Israelite Zionist Illuminati ‘NORMAN’ attack on Rome in 1084 in a successful attempt to militarily control the church & use it as a glove puppet which resulted in the Christian Crusades deception which raped & murdered men women children & fcuking donkey’s for all I-know the offspring of Solomon’s 1200 offspring have used Rome & then France & then Germany & then England & now the USA & every other country they can stick their proboscus into to dominate & secretly control the world on the devil’s behalf…

Jews are now so busy lying about Jews not being in treasonous control of America & Hitler not being Jewish & the Jewish controlled US Fed not being Hitler’s main financial backers (As well as Kennedy’s murderers) & Jews are so fcuking busy trying to blame Goyim for the holocaust with the lie that it was not being run by Illuminati Jews controlling the Nazi Jews that they’re now really quite unstable spiritually mentally & emotionally (They’re nuts) & thus they’re almost certain to go ahead with their plan to murder 13 out of 14 people on the planet which is over 6.5 billion people while the 500 million people of Jewish & Norman descent who survive the neutron bomb insanity will soon enough wish they didn’t…

Jews are now telling lies 24\7 about absolutely everything they’re into…

If they make a statement in apparent truth it soon becomes used as a lie…

Their basic premise is now to always lie to hide lies they’ve already said…

They are now simply fcuking evil with no redeeming qualities apparent at all…

Other than a determination to do Satan’s work with a mask of deceptive warmth…

Apart from the deliberate treason involved in secretly financing the secret (Illuminati-Jew) Nazi victory in WW2 & the Korean War treason used to cover it all up after the assassination of President Kennedy was a simple act of conspiratorial Jewish evil as was the suspicious deaths of 70 Deally Plaza witnesses, so was the eventual victims of the collateral damage created by the Gulf of Tonkin incident (Both American & Vietnamese) & Martin Luther King’s murder, Bobby Kennedy, Laos, Cambodia, Air America heroin Stateside & their many MIA employees dropped buck-naked from 10,000 feet into the South China Sea…

Did anyone who’s American ever once really give-a-damn about anything at all?

Add the extra 30,000 dead US soldiers Illuminati Jews in CIA caused by giving US Troop Movement info to Viet Cong, then add on the collateral damage that corruption from Hoover’s missing files being used by Jews for blackmail on Congress to enable legislation to allow the $500 Billion Dollar S&L rorts caused while at the same time corrupt CIA employees put Bernie Madeoff into play so some of their ‘MEGA’ Defence Contract rorts could be laundered in the general confusion over Madeoff’s (By comparison) minor frauds…

Seeing some Yanks already come pre-conditioned with the ‘STUPID-GENE’ allow me to add to that by saying corrupt CIA & Defence Department chiefs used Madeoff as a bookkeeper to clean (Launder) multiple trillions of fcuking US Taxpayer Defence Department dollars…

Carter gave Israel 19 US nuclear missiles, Muslim Terror set-up worldwide by CIA, Iranian Embassy seige & rescue sabotage, Ganda Airlines explosion by CIA still under GHW Bush’s secret control, Challenger (Really) & Lockerbie, Trade Centre bombings, Okalahoma, African Embassy bombings, 911 & now the re-arming of America with enough neutron bombs to murder everyone on the planet so only Jews survive to take total control…

The Jewish determination to do Satan’s work with deceptive warmth amazes me…

Although I’m of Jewish descent from the same biological “STUART” royal line that produce WW Astor & Adolph’s Hitler & Eichmann as well as Fred Astaire, Sir Robert Helpman & even Billy Clinton unlike them I’m under no obligation to the devil as either “GOD OR SATAN” even though nearly all Jews alive today secretly worship both in what should rightly be called the “ORDER (Ancient dichotomy) OF THE AGES” I’m trying my little lobotomised best (sic) to get the point over that for the most part Jews are now treasonous Satanic parodies of inhumanity with an inbuilt psychosis when it comes to the lengths they’ll go to hide the lengths they’ve already gone to in hiding the truth by gilding the fcuking lilly…

No-one is telling enough truth within enough time to educate the masses so it’s almost certain “ILLUMINATI JEWS” will have the chance to once again use their willing Jew & Goyim pawns in Masonry religion & politics to pull another 911-style treasonous false-flag supposedly ‘MUSLIM TERROR’ attack on the few innocents left in America perhaps in tandem or seperate to enacting a plan amongst Rabbis & Masonic heads of other religions to quietly leave the major cities on a specific day well in advance & obviously as nobody who’s sane wants genocide or rather human-herd culling the Zionist Illuminati use political blackmail & Satanic corruption to force it on other Jews & their Goyim pawns…

Survivors press-ganged to remove stinking dead bodies from cities is a future reality…

Realising the people in charge are all psychos who did-it all deliberately is another…

Pity those not real close to the neutron bomb but don’t bother pitying the Satanic future the surviving Jews will face as they’re looking more & more like they wish to once again perform the Jewish Illuminati “AUSCHWITZ 3-STEP POLKA” with the devil & the other Jewish survivors as they’ll quickly create the same hell on earth they already secretly built for Jews & Goyim in WW2 & ever since underground & if you don’t know what I-mean when I-say everything Jews touch turns to shite because their basic premise is always a lie to hide a previous lie you’ll find out soon enough anyway as Jews are fcuking evil even to their own…

Sooner or later your pride in gross Jewish deceit will become your Nemesis Zion…

Remember I’m predicting your existential animus will eclipse your moral intellect…

Then your kabala groin-god will have sex with a supernova & it will fcuk-you back…

After the unrepentant Illuminati & their spawn exit this universe into a black hole…

It’s their eternal reward of a completely pointless eternally illuminated consciousness (sic) in ‘OUTER DARKNESS’ outside this universe which is the fate the Jew called Christ prophesied for the descendents of Solomon’s 1200 offspring who today run all of this world’s governments on the devil’s behalf (Really) & who claim an attachment to being Jew but piss on the precepts of the patriarchs & prophets because it clashes with their religious lies & their occult deceptions & the consequences of loss that these cause to average little people (Souls) with their financial corruption & all up this means many little people actually needlessly lose faith so totally they’re likely to perish in the coming post-supernova solar system wide “LAKE OF FIRE” before the rescue Christ predicted so beware…

Myself I’ve already genuinely prophesied (Predicted) a very strange time as little ahead as 2045 for these all conquering quasi-Jewish deceivers where those who survive become so totally spiritually & clinically insane from helping with the outright genocide of their fellow human & through the fear they’ll have of their fellow Jew & from the blood lust they’ll have performed on surviving Goyim that they’ll fall into a sub-human animalistic mob mentality without prior reason or even conscious process & purpose…

These all conquering descendents of Solomon & their minions will go nuts & act as a mob by cornering fellow Jews & consuming their livers raw on the spot just as it says in the O\T where it says they’ll consume each other’s flesh & drink each other’s blood after already literally sacrificing many to their ‘GODS’ & if you think I’m talking about anything other than literally bleeding them & feeding them to something not human you’re an idiot…

It’s well known my SOH is extremely black but I’m not making with the funnies here…

In my experience Jews will do it all (Again) just as they did in WW2 so beware all…

In case you didn’t get that I-said Jews will sacrifice Jews like in WW2 so beware…

As for ritual blood sacrifice the Jews are lying about almost everything period…

I’ve offered you a chance to delay the insanity but you just don’t give-a-damn…

So keep laughing at me & seal your mortal & eternal soul-doom you fcuks…

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