Out of the mouths of baby snakes & dragons…

I-hope you appreciate the following comment posted on the Tube…


Hey don’t root-me shoot-me or electrocute-me because I-despise all of your gods…

I’m not a Christian & I’m not a Satanist either but I-sure do like the style of the Jew called Christ & his hard-arse cousin John Baptist because their words knocked the adversarial political & occult establishment of Solomon’s descendants who rule all religion (Christian Jew Muslim Pagan &\or Satanic) today right on their unholy adversarial arses by giving them a simple moral logic bomb…

Rock-on Galileans…


There’s a place where Lucifer’s light doesn’t shine in the Judeo-Christian afterlife or paradise & for millennia Satan & his alter-ego ‘GOD’ (sic) have been losing souls who just chose freedom & walked out into darkness left right & centre to such a degree 5000 years back the priests of another god called Ramses (Snicker) (The word god only means spirit or soul of a deceased priest or king) tried to scare everyone by claiming nasty crocodiles lurked out there while in heaven it’s only a snake…


Anton LaVey isn’t even dead…

I’m of Jewish descent myself but these quasi-religious morons who mimick people like LaVey who himself may occasionally know WTF he’s talking about while they don’t are mindlessly like others doing the dirty work of the real big-money Satanists who don’t understand shite despite all they know (The word ‘SATAN’ merely means adversary) & mostly got the Jew disease which is very prevalent these days & if not treated quickly always turns into the never ending dichotomy & readers that’s like an amoral spiritual virus us Jews got from Solomon & some of his descendants (I’m-one) but sadly they never did get the ‘CURE’ for that disease from the teachings of the Jew called Christ…

They fell in love with lying to everyone & calling themselves smart…

I’d noticed your comment on that LaVey confessional vid & noticed it’s mostly true as any fool believing in an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent cosmic magi who will fulfil all of your wishes as long as you believe will surely find in their afterlife that 10,000 angels will all appear singing their own praises & claiming to be the “LORD (Fraud) ALMIGHTY” & secretly every single one of them will casually say to the newly deceased fool entering the magic kingdom of Satan Claus “YOU CAN CALL ME DICK SWEETIE” but every other mother’s fool son who’s ever studied the kabala got to call me ‘GOD HOD & YOD’ in public…

I-hope you understand the humour…

I-grew up (Unwillingly) with the same ‘PEDOS WIZARDS WARLOCKS WARLORDS WANKERS & BANKERS’ that you equate with Satan & while there actually was a hominoid giant going by the name of “LIGHT BRINGER” 100’s of 1000’s of years ago as well as a reptilian ET species prone to snack on humans whenever other humans would help the reality is if you NOT dumb enough to give either of the cunts your power of belief & thus the energy of your soul then they no stronger than you make them…

Peace to you…

Robby (Ben-Astor) Daniel…     ®   ©    7/10/11

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