Waxing lyrical on Obama’s “Cyber Insecurity” program.



Here’s a bunch of boring stuff from my “Robby Daniel” account on YouTube. I’m about to open another account, maybe called “Roy Rogers & Trigger the Wonder Horse” or something equally inane, just to match American politics  & the ‘JUDEO’ Xtian Masonic religion plague that infests it?

There really is a few ‘GEMS’ scattered in here tho.

Every fifth or sixth post is simply fcuking brilliant 🙂






Are you an American atheist-Troll weasel?

Or just the ordinary kind of stupid weasel?

Which ‘GOD’ are you rejecting then?

The Masonic cosmic-magician?

That’d be the same one Solomon worshipped which the Masons promulgate, right? Course an omnipotent cosmic-magi is a fraud, so exactly when did you atheists become gate-keepers for ensuring no deeper questions were asked regarding who the fcuk started the god-crazy shit? Take your first Amendment & roll it up real tight, wrap it in a Patriot Act, then shtick it where it fits ;-(


While the weasel part of the no free-speech atheists, & the same in the theists are so busy policing the net for crazies, who are crazy to dare disagree with the serf mind most of you live with, allow me to feed the beast a little (sic) & give them some more ammo. (sic) The scripture in Revelation Ch 19 verses 17 & 18 speaks of an ‘ET’ race of demi gods going on a bit of a killing spree with humans as food. Without armour-piecing sodium potassium cyanide rounds, you won’t be able to stop them.


Such an obvious Troll name, a little bit of obvious Troll overkill B4 the new-breed of Jew abort all the useless Goyim on the planet plus about 2\3 of themselves using the US & NATO military as their very own SS Panzer shock troops. We’re waiting for the “ANCIENT WISDOM” of the Masons & their ‘GAWD’ to make things work out. Oh wait, they’re working for the Illuminati Jew abortionists? Never mind, it’s in the Jewish scriptures that the Goyim must be aborted, so if ‘GAWD; says so, it must be done.


Maybe “Patty” was a Twoofer B4 she discovered waaay too late the plans her Illuminati-led govt had for all the useless eaters to become food for other useless eaters in govt higher up the food chain? Or even other useless eaters at ‘AREA-51’ old son? Of course that’s a stupid thing to say. The leaders of your species would never sell you out like that, right? That’d be treason, high treason! (Hi, treason) 😉 Yet armour piercing reactive cyanide rounds will one day become your only real defence.


It seems the US Military is sooo damn strong these days they can now easily literally conquer ‘ANY’ rogue nation on the planet, except of course, Washington DC right?


Full of a bowel tumour, with a “Back-up of faecal-matter” behind that as the MRI report stated more likely. Still, if I’m ever lawyered-up, the hospital that did that report will be treating their insurers for severe bleeding from their fcuking testicles & for some ongoing symptoms of smoking from their poor cash depleted fcuking anus ;-(

All that aside, how’s the metrosexual music business today?

Doing brunch with Madonna, or lunch with Carlos Santana?


Plz explain what chaos theory is, not what it isn’t Harry.

(Congress does far better fake-analogies than you do)

After you explain what it is in 500 Chars, plz explain in another 500 Chars why your scientific perspective says it couldn’t oppose the formation of orderly strands of RNA out of random chemicals with no other purpose than existing outside of a living cell. Plz explain how RNA strands turned into DNA strands with no cell membrane. Then explain how Ur circum-stellar disks are involved?


At the risk of repeating myself ad-hominem ad-infinitum & ad verbatim, the USA already whacked our Prime Minister Harold Holt back in the 60’s & then got our “FREE MEDIA” to claim old Harry Holt defected to Red China. Then later they blew up our Sydney Hilton hotel, killing a garbo & seriously injuring a couple of coppers. Then around 1986 one of their employees blew up Constable Angela Taylor with a car bomb down in Melbourne.

So we’re next on the secret US terror shit-list are we, wanker? ;-(


Actually that’s extremely disingenuous. Xtianity is fading yet Judaism is constant while various metrosexual Pagan cults that took over traditional Wicca Satanist & Masonic religions experience booming conversions to their version of the ‘NWO’ religion. So dream on about religion dying. The only thing happening is what was called “The externalisation of the hierarchy” in the 60’s. The feudal antichrist secret society bosses who controlled Xtianity since antiquity are slowly taking the mask off.


I’d heard long ago that New York London & Melbourne where I’m currently living, along with 2 billion other relatively innocent souls world wide, all get hit at the same time in this “MASTERPLAN” which the “Order of the Ages” guides with such skilled & crapfull treasonous ancient wisdom, jerk ;-(


Chaos theory isn’t what you say, no matter how many quaint analogies you make about it. It’s a theory that proposes that the more complex a mechanism is, the more the certainty exists that in time it will break down, not come together like in random chemicals joining to become abiogenesis. Now that should be pretty clear, even to an evolved ape 😉

Surely, whether it applies to evolution or not, you now understand Harry?

Got anymore witty half-assed Troll semantics & analogies to throw at it?


After the last century of man’s chronic Satanic bastardry to his fellow man, it’s debateable whether humans interbred with humans isn’t it?


Are you waving an old bonafide Harry Potter wand at me now Harry?

Saying something like “Riddikulus” as you intimately touch yourself?

Get a grip on yourself (Snicker) cause ‘MY’ definition of chaos theory is accurate, while yours is either simple Trolling or the efforts of a fanatical atheist to sustain a belief structure. I’m ‘NOT’ a theist so it’s impossible for me 2B a creationist. I’m merely a simple man who doesn’t ‘BLOW’ with the wind of whatever some fascist belief structure requires 😉


So George Herbert Walker Bush was human cause he erred, & his friend Cardinal Bernard Law was a sinner cause he was an Xtian? Tell me something, seeing as you’re so insightful. Are they doing some secret ancient ritual in the baptismal font, where they gently tap the baby on the head several times with a large 16 lb wooden mallet resembling a human penis? Semi seriously, is it meant to stun the kid into a lifetime of submission?


You mean if only all bitches had Herman Goering’s incredible ‘IQ’ Siegfried?

If that were so, we’d never be able to get their lips off our Aryan god-rod 😉


Maybe Shiva should clean my flat & blow me, B4 she destroys the cosmos?

(I’d hate to go to the Hindi version of Hades with the flat looking so darn evil)


I’m not sure you got it yet yourself. Biblical Sadducees were 100% atheist & biblical Pharisees correspond 100% to today’s occult oriented choirboy sniffing Masonic controlled theists. Perhaps you miss the point of exactly where a non existent omnipotent cosmic magician comes into this 3000+y\o ‘JUDEO’ Xtian deception? It all revolves around a human anus & the old Jewish kabala, tho I’ve heard if Ur a Jewish patriarch alone in the desert, god will forgive you for worshipping him with a sheep 😉


Exactly, the same one Rumsfeld Cheney Bush Jnr + Bush Snr & Obama deny was Aussie born  “Peter William Vanstone” between 97 to 94. Now if you can’t trust men of ‘THAT’ stature to tell the truth, then who can you trust, suckers.

(Rock-on America, you’re totally fcuking absurd in a fascist kind of way)


As the whole 911 thing was run by Jews, then it’ll be much funnier when Jews nuke New York & blame the Muslims (Again) to use the American military one more time to do their dirty work. Never mind, within four years of that the Jews will destroy Jerusalem for the third time in history using a foreign power. It ‘IS’ funny, yet only in true context 😉

Semper “FICKLE” America, a big moronic Semper “FICKLE” to you.

PS: Rumsfeld ever come clean over whacking Bobby Kennedy? No?


Atheists are soooo fcuking dull, soo seriously fcuking dull.

C’mon, lets go out & burn some witches & martyrs tonight.

We can have a witch hunt & then an inquisition for theists.

(With parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme, they’ll taste great)


Jeeze-arse Christ in a chocolate-cherry wafer, you atheists are like a breed apart.

(Like those Pharisees of the Christ’s day, only vainer, & a whole lot more stupider)

You won’t hate me if you start to learn that atheists are as boneheaded as theists?


Funny how ‘ANY’ mention of the Masonic lodge in mocking sarcasm soon gets spammed. Not too many ppl understand the Masons run Xtianity & the Masons run Congress too, yet ‘WHO’ runs the Masons? It certainly can’t be the omnipotent omnipresent angry invisible cosmic magician because he don’t even exist. So who ‘DOES’ run the Masons who run Xtianity?

Some ppl think the ‘GOD’ of Xtianity is merely a deceptive occult technique.

Specifically an occult technique run by Masons, yet again, who runs them?


If you were a genuine racist bigot rather than a bored YouTube Troll, I’d have to taunt you about the Black African President you’ve got that was born of a Jewish mother. Again, it’d really grind the god-grits of a real bigot, having a Jew ‘AND’ an African American as ‘POTUS’ head of state, yet to be fair, it doesn’t really matter anymore, cause it was America’s treasonous whites that screwed it up when they whacked JFK & Bobby.


Learn to spellz better Nimrod. That’s “Fellatio”, not Fillatio, & word is it was actually 12 y\o “Michael” Lewinsky with Slick & not 23 y\o Monica you dopey loser 😉

America still ain’t heard the truth about magic-bullets even ;-(


The Judeo-Xtian God is like a big kid with an ethereal omnipotent toy train. You do whatever God says in the here & now, then when you finally die he won’t beat up on you anymore & he’ll let you play with his toy train in the sweet bye & bye. Hands up who understands why they (Literally) used to slip hashish into incense which the priests used to place in those bronze containers they waved in the ppl’s faces?

Nothing like a bit of tetrahydrocannabinol if God won’t loan you his toy train yet 😉


Hey all you Christian wankers out there in Wankerland;-) “LET THEM ATHEISTS ALONE!”

They be blind because, just like you, they wank too much when they should be thinking 😉

And if those who are blind because they wank too much when they should be thinking, lead others who are blind because they wank too much when they should be thinking, well then both of them fcuking wankers are gonna fall into a ditch with their hands on their fcuking dciks 😉 Do you think some counselling would help? ;-)))


Obama’s bio-mom is George Herbert Walker Bush’s 13th cousin. She’s of Jewish descent & so is he, & so were ‘MANY’ if not all of your presidents, if not merely because most were Masons & 95% of Masons can trace their true biological lineage back to European Jewish roots from the 16th century. Anyway each to their own as far as Bobby Kennedy. He knew the fascist Jews who whacked his brother JFK were going to kill him if he didn’t shut up, so in a way he had pretty big balls for a girly man, true?


The Christ stated the Jewish god was the devil & he was right. The Jewish god really is the devil as you see by the things it’s done. The Xtians worship the Jew god, not the high tech physically existing being the Christ called his father. In their role running Xtianity the Masons ‘ARE’ the Jewish god’s channel of first choice & if you buy what they sell you they’re god too. Yet they’ll still kill you like they did to so many over the last 400+ years & fcuk you over either way. Troll on junior.


You heard the “REAL” problem with Muslims & their Satanic verses?

It’s the same problem with the ‘JUDEO’ Xtian monotheistic god too. The thing was it was really only the devil Lucifer faking everyone out all along, so when a poor Muslim blows himself & god (sic) knows how many other innocents to paradise & goes looking for his 72 kosher virgins, he finds the devil was god & the devil cheats him. His 72 virgins were only scattered bits of little boys other warriors for Islam already blew up 😉


You atheist Trolls get more than a little-bit stupid when you try to con ppl ;-(


I’d only brought a knife to a gunfight cause I’d thought you were bringing a clitty to a mud puddle wrestle in a primeval swamp, which by the way was the same swamp these evolved theists come from. Who’d have thought that first original amoeba would go to all these lengths to make up a supreme deity, only to then evolve all the theists who don’t believe in omnipotent cosmic magicians? It’s so confusing. Are we to believe evolved god apes or an evolved atheist ape? Curse that original amoeba 😉


Pretty close, yet no Cuban cigar on Ishtar’s joy-button for you 😉

It was written both by genuine troublemakers & plain ass wipes.

You never get squat out of the scriptures, unless you realise things like most societies where it was written were so heavily fascist that to even dare voice a religious opinion against the official ‘ON MESSAGE’ line would get you very dead, very quickly. So they often wrote in prose & parable. You may need to understand Christ was a smart anarchic hard bastard too.


There’s no love lost between Mr Daniel & the cantankerous Machiavellian coot Bush Senior.

Tho he disliked JFK & despised Democrats, he was not a willing participant in the murder of JFK himself. He was only on “Point Duty” with the Dallas & Texas State Police. His options were minimal & his choices less so due to the gradual meltdown of American morality decency & truth in the years after the creation of CIA etc. You should be looking at Helms Angleton & LBJ although even ‘THEY’ were mere pawns.


William Greer delivered the kill shot on John Fitzgerald Kennedy ;-(

Not saying maybe, not saying might be, not saying maybe could’ve.

William Greer delivered the kill shot on John Fitzgerald Kennedy ;-(


I’d like an adequate explanation for ignoring William Greer @Red ;-(

Maybe that same explanation could explain why the 6 seconds of the Zapruder film disappeared for enough decades to allow the remains of said JFK to decompose, get sucked up into the grass at Arlington, get cruelly cut down by a ride on lawnmower, decompose again, then molecule by molecule get blown around the world in the fcuking jet stream.

I’d still like an adequate explanation for ignoring William Greer ;-(


If it’s really wicked shit, then plz don’t forget to breathe from your diaphragm.

Most ppl are chest breathers, weed is a muscle relaxant = oxygen starvation.

This is something simple which should be taught in primary schools, along with the right exercises for learning to breath from your diaphragm via your sympathetic nervous system (Like crossing yoga with kung fu) even while totally shitfaced to the point of near brain death 😉


Yup, either implying the Cave Man Stone Age Ice Age to faked Apollo landing was a rather complicated lie or else implying that ‘ET’ was quite the little meddler all the way thru our very confused so called history. The shit at Baalbek with 1200 ton stones plus the stuff in Sth America prove the Cave Man to modern in 10,000 yrs is crap, so we’re left with the likelihood that ‘ET’ was our gods, yet it don’t mean all ‘ET’ can be trusted.

After all what if the ‘ET’ crew are run like the US Congress?


If you can point to ‘ANY’ period in the history of the ‘JUDEO’ Xtian monotheistic monstrosity where it wasn’t a haven for liars thieves & murderers, then you must have a history book written in a genuine parallel universe, cause ‘ANY’ history book written in this universe tells the story of a bonafide devil pretending to be an omnipotent omnipresent cosmic magi god with an eternal magic-shtick up your self righteous little bottom 😉


To point out the fact that a Carbon Monoxide generator could have easily & far more cheaply been installed in those so called showers, or even in each & every barracks so the victims could be gassed in their sleep, soon puts the lie to your infernal Jew “CYANIDE” lie, especially once you remember that the Nazi’s only financiers were the Jew shareholders of the US Fed. Honestly, think it all thru for once in your miserable half lives.


There’s an urgent message I’d like to give to the world.

(It’s provocative revolutionary radical & also boring too)

The reality of a ‘NWO’ religion some atheists & most monotheistic theists unknowingly support involves a subjugation of genuine (sic) intellectual morality & freedom to an existential animus of a group-groin. You need to think all fact thru if you have ‘ANY’ hope of true spiritual freedom either alive or dead. A big warning is needed here as it won’t fit in a 180 Char Twitter post.


The Christ tried to push that reset-button & succeeded, yet stupid ppl will never understand.

Now plz don’t think I’m calling atheists stupid. The stupidest ppl on the planet are those who think some cosmic magician with the moral qualities of a genuine psychopath rules the universe because he made it in a burst of omnipotent omnipresent divine all knowing whim which can never be questioned with facing eternal torment. The US Patriot Act also asks you to trust without question the facts, stupid.


Modern science is a ‘MIRACLE’ to ppl in 30AD, & if only ‘YOU’ understood the Christ himself fully understood this, yet worked his words within the breadth of mind that the simple ‘SHEEP’ of the house of Israel had back then, then perhaps you could restart the mechanism which wrongly allows you to see all of the incredible things he said in a new perspective. You’ll never know shit about jack-shit until you learn the Christ knew about the 1200 ton stones at Baalbek, + the questions they provoke.


Someone must have cloned millions of US Congressmen. (And women) Many of their psychological clones are on YouTube living the dream & scheming the scheme for a ‘NWO’ mindset. In the meantime all questions must be subjugated to a collective effort of stupid ppl to remain stupider than those with rational questions about an inbuilt stupidity over denials about stupidity ruling the stupid shit stupid ppl live by. All of the Masonic Jews have (Secretly) secretly agree with this stupid statement 😉


William Greer was the name of a US Treasury Agent Driver who delivered a kill shot to President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. As to the names of the many boring vacuous vapid moronic douchebags who helped cover up reality as the consequence of the build up of corruption finally became consequential to the greater good of the safety & security of the American ppl, well I’m totally stupid about ‘THAT’ fact because: A/ Who gives a shit when your oppressors oppress themselves? & B/ Fcuk-knows nothing ;-(


Ppl that have sex with children on Saturday & go to church on Saturday or Sunday (sic) then go to lodge on the second or third Tuesday of the month are the ppl that give Xtians a bad name, both with the Christ who advised they be drowned like dogs yet without undue violence, plus with those who are neither churchgoers or lodge members, yet still hold a basic (Normal) humanity within their hearts. It occasionally breaks my heart of hearts that Christ still carries their dirty paedophile cross ;-(


Gnarly non-committal factual statement there dude.

A certainty exists that once we die, we’ll either take up residence with the soul of an asshole (Ourselves) or the soul of a normal nice decent caring genuine person (Ditto). Some ppl, best classed as losers cowards & liars may very-well end up having to share their ‘RESIDENCE’ (Soul) with whoever or whatever they bowed to here. In the case of decent ppl, it might be decent souls of likeminded values. In the case of assholes, that will be ditto.


Changing the subject, in the context of Ur account name which neither offends abhors or provokes me, speaking as a man who is a biological son of an SS Nazi who was also a biological Jew as most SS were (!) if ‘ZYLAG-B’ (?) cyanide was merely meant for the extermination of ‘HUMAN LICE’ like myself, then common sense tells me it was far cheaper & more humane, yet specifically far cheaper from the standard so called Jew-hating Nazi shill, to have used simple carbon monoxide generators to kill us?


A warning from mythical SS Nazi “Rabbi Simon Eisenstein” (sic) to the many Nazi SS who were (Secret) bio Jews involved in a (Successful) attempt by Jewish US Fed shareholders to recreate an Israeli state without waking the infidel non-Masonic Goyim world to the ‘REAL’ power wielded by Jews in the western world since William the Conqueror. (sic)



A fair statement all things considered, given the reality of total deception our current political world uses to run it’s religious deceptions. Yet surely the opinions of others must be taken into account? The 33rd degree Masons Eliphaz Levi & Albert Pike ‘BOTH’ stated in writing that ‘LUCIFER WAS GOD’ so maybe he’s both god & devil too, like in Zoroastianism? What if ‘SATAN’ was an entirely different being, not Lucifer or god, not an adversary of the Christ, merely an adversary of adversaries?


Such blatant disrespect for the ancient knowledge of the ancient wisdom.

Figures, seeing as it was only an exalted clitoris of Ishtar singing the song.

If that was a majestic god-penis up there singing, then “Benny Hinn & Jessie Duplantis” would’ve been rocking the omnipotent daisy-chain for the great penis-god Baal, & all of the lessor female gods like Ishtar & Hera would have taken steroids so they could grow a penis & enter the sublime reality of the ‘JUDEO’ Xtian god like all of us god-guys.


Your basic assumption is in error. Without reason or justification of fact you ranted on my clear statement by Trolling on the Hutchinson effect as if that had squat to do with seeing the real thing in broad daylight. I’m glad you keep a close (Conspiratorial?) watch on the conspiracy vids cause us normal people don’t. Anyway Abdul, have you thought about opening an account called ‘MOABS’ as in “Mother Of All Bullshit Artists” maybe? You could post in Arabic then we could double not give a fcuk?


Who cares about shit? Anyone heard Justin Beiber’s got a new pet ferret? 😉

Anyway, I’ll not totally mock. It’s usually accomplished using the age old science of control psychology, bouncing ppl between the Speculative Masonic Lodge using old world occult with the psychology of ‘FEELING’ as well as the Operative Masonic Lodge using political financial stuff any time ppl wake up to the fact they’re being jerked off like kids. In other words they deliberately bounce you between idiotic extremes.


Umm, sure dude. Better watch out before them atheists gitcha tho.

They don’t allow none of Ur boogie-woogie invisible devil-god stuff.

Don’t suppose you ever heard the angle that Lucifer the light bringer actually ‘WAS’ the creator god using plain old ‘ET’ science &  that he plays both fake omnipotent omnipresent angry cosmic magician & devil at the same time? You ever heard that it was actually ‘SATAN’ in the Garden freeing humanity & not Lucifer? Satan isn’t the devil ‘OR’ Lucifer either dude.


Listen friend, I’d grown up amongst the worst of the worst & best of the best.

Few get thru Hollywood without being entrapped in some form of diabolical black magic, whether by choice chance or entrapment. You think if what you say about Pitt were true that would make you a better man than him at the end of days? Half of what you never heard about Bohemian Grove was a 10th of what goes on in “The Circle” in Washington. You think Pitt’s evil yet maybe you more so than him if you’d lived his life?


Here’s a bit of a thinker’s conundrum about the gods for you. According to theists, either the monotheistic god always existed or he created the expression of himself thru Christ like one hand clapping. They get a little bit (Lot) confused about specifics then try to bluff themselves by using the “F” (sic) word 😉 According to 33rd degree Masons Eliphaz Levi & Albert Pike, Lucifer is the Masonic god. Yet for those who didn’t know, Masons control Xtianity, ergo Lucifer is head of the church 😉


You’re barking up the wrong cherry tree there, dog. I’d suggest you approach Senator John McCocaine @ 666 Butthole Drive, Washington DC, & see if he can’t get you into a more private “CIRCLE” where you can more honestly advertise your skills & sell your wares, while you fulfil all your boyhood fantasies & make quite a pretty penny or two along the way 😉


All thru the bible there’s either evidence of alien intervention (?) + real died in the wool “Silence of the Lambs” style psychopaths & outright devilish influences acting upon the Hebrew people, or a gross combination of all three of these weird perspectives that bypassed the teachings of a non violent anarchist like Christ, only to gain N\T Xtian form after Saul of Tarsus took a large dump on the Road to Damascus.

In the old days “Pope Gigolo the Great” would have me killed for saying that 😉


You America’s secret bioweapon aren’t you? They’re going to clone millions of you, then send you to Iraq as a kind of gay marine’s pink posse to drown the gene pool in a flood of dedicated debauched daisy chain making daft Daphne clone’s intended to wreak a horrible vengeance on the evil Muslim terrorists?

Obviously the New (Extremely gay & libertarian) American century is now unstoppable.

Someone must have turned right at Deally Plaza instead of left that day back in 1963?


If Ur Xtianity had been based on the words of the Christ & his eleven true disciples + Stephen, rather than the words of that adversary of the Christ’s mind “Saul of Tarsus”, then you’d probably be making sense right now in the context of morality, eschatology, human decency + logic. However, as you well know any time you tell the truth to yourself when no one else is there, your entire Xtian doctrine was based on the usurping of the Christ’s mind as contained in his own words, by those of Saul.


The President’s current Cyber-Security legislation is a misnomer.

(It should be called the ‘Cyber-Psychology’ legislation more likely)

After all, so very many ppl are being paid to play a massive game.

You might ask what ‘THAT’ has to do with Seth whatshisname & the answer is “Not a lot” you dill. You might ask why I’d say that & the only answer I’d be able to give which made ‘ANY’ sense would be an unaired quote from Agent 86 to Kaos head Siegfried, which goes “Blow it out your ass, Siegfried”.


Coward America, Zionist Jewish Butt (sic) Wipe America.


The Christ was a wise, knowledgeable, extremely tough dissenter who always saw thru the psychological or political deceptions that the followers of the “God of this world” working under the ancient order of Solomon supported. They worked towards every lying piece of kosher crap since Solomon’s agenda for the Assyrian Diaspora eventually became the Babylonian & Roman Diaspora then the Norman Conqueror Templar thing. It was the foundation for the Masonic deceptions since Boss Tweed up to today.


The Christ was a wise, knowledgeable extremely tough dissenter who always saw thru the psychological or political deceptions that the followers of the “God of this world” working under the ancient order of Solomon supported. They worked towards every lying piece of kosher crap since Solomon’s agenda for the Assyrian Diaspora eventually became the Babylonian & Roman Diaspora’s, then the Norman Conqueror Templar thing. It was the foundation for the Masonic deceptions since Boss Tweed, up to today.


God’s name is on the US Dollar Bill, & the Freemasons speak in god’s name.

Anyone who knew anything would know that nothing happens without god’s permission, therefore 911 happened with god’s permission. & all the Freemasons involved are off the hook because it was god’s fault.

If you don’t believe me, you just go ask god & see what he (They) reckon 😉


It’s not a real love fest, it’s more like an internal forensic examination of his ass to try to find out where he left his brain. I’m also trying to teach him how to type without wearing a condom on his head like most 911 conspiracy-deniers are always doing.


I’d have thought after the total ‘BS’ of the ‘JUDEO’ Xtian deception of the last 1600+ years since the words of Saul of Tarsus ousted the words of Christ, that indeed it was the monotheistic quasi Zoroastrian ‘JUDEO’ Xtian god that was false. The simple number of murders in it’s god’s name & the overwhelming number of child rapes & other sexual perversions in it’s priesthood pretty well prove it’s god is Lucifer the devil.

Satan, on the other hand, is neither devil or evil. It’s all been a lie.


They ought to know all about them shape shifting reptile-demon things.

Take a good long look at a recent Benny Hinn video. He looks like he just slithered into a rabbit hole & ate the fcuking Easter bunny. How come Hollywood can’t do a good movie about the shape shifting demons & devils which have hidden inside religion since the year dot? The potential for a large ‘FUNNY’ as well as a decent attempt to educate people about religious idiocies could only be limited by the writer’s wit & drug use.


I’m not a theist myself, nor an atheist or agnostic either.

That said, it annoys me that some fascist fcuk thought they should spam your comment for the simple reason you express a perspective from the point of view of the Christ man himself. All sorts of people talk shit in his name here 24\7, however your comment is a true one. Whether you believe an angry cosmic magi myth or not, the Christ did say his words should abide in those who expected anything of value from him. More power to you 😉


Your lips are flapping in the breeze as you type, aren’t they?

Maybe instead of what you claim, Moses said ‘HALF’ of them should go stand with the Zoroastrian god of light, while telling another ‘HALF’ to go stand with the Zoroastrian god of darkness, while telling the third ‘HALF’ of the Jews who all seem to be god-cranks like you, to just go stand in the corner & pretend 4 letters like ‘YHWH’ which not only can’t be pronounced, they aren’t even meant to be, can mean whatever the fcuk you want?


I’ve read the words of Christ. He was a brilliant peaceful quasi-anarchist with a wit beyond what most seem to grasp plus a depth few fathom if they don’t look past the traitor Saul of Tarsus for who the Christ himself said he really was, as well as a height within his spirit (Essence) you’ll never reach until you’re willing to die to your own religious illusions then trust what he called “The spirit of truth” or simply Paraclete in the Greek to tell you what you can’t yet see. Convert yourself.


Was it St Augustine who said “Beware the man of one book”?

To quote the great Stevie Wonder back in his halcyon days of yesterday, “When you believe in things you don’t understand, then you suffer”. There’s no reason to be a smartass just because you’re either a know-nothing dcikless religious hick, or a faked out fcuked up small minded Troll trying to make genuine followers of the Christ look stupid. Try to use your (Limited) time alive more usefully ;-(


Matter in this universe came into being when matter from a parallel universe became energy after it fell down a black hole. It was inferred a living being (s) from that universe fell into the black hole from which they couldn’t escape. Trillions of years later that energy exploded to become matter in our universe. Those beings could only have been “Spirit” after falling thru that event horizon & later became the source of life here. So where did ‘THEIR’ original universe come from? Fcuknose 😉


Thomas Aquinas? Cool, tho I’d disagree with you on why he said it.

Ppl not widely read enough to question their beliefs would indeed make boring lodge buddies or whatever, yet also see them aggressive over defending ‘THEIR’ group view of things. I’d once been physically threatened by a couple of muscle bound morons outside a charis-maniac church once, & tho my kung fu skills were freaky enough to stare them down, their viciousness in defence over a simple question made me fear their fanaticism.


Yet you ‘STILL’ come across as a perpetrator of crimes against children.

I’m talking about crimes of a sexual kind. Those sorts of people often have the sociopathic need to belittle any you (Wrongly) perceive you may be able to bully & subjugate. That’s exactly the type of psychology that those who seek to dominate the innocence of the little ones near always display. We can only hope you’ve little or no access to the little dears. Just stick to pulling the wings off moths or something suchlike.


Tho your religious disease means you still need 2B rude to hide the fact you wouldn’t have a clue which way your ass pointed if your heart wasn’t in it, you still have great human worth. Thus I’ve taken note of Ur obvious superiority in things of a philosophical & religious nature & decided to suspend ‘ALL’ reference to biblical reality having a historical reference outside Xtian delusions. I’ve also decided to copy you & become an Xtian, soon as I can work out a way to gnaw my own head off 😉


Senator John “McCocaine” was the first to commiserate with Haggard for getting his heterosexual dcik caught in a homosexual jam-jar 😉 You’d be surprised just how much it happens in Washington alone, let alone the rest of America. Obviously the answer for them would be to make abortion illegal again, yet make homosexuality compulsory? 😉

Course, you ‘WILL’ have to breed your preachers & congressmen in the lab after tho 😉


“The Philistine cursed the name of the Lord Gog of Israel & questioned the unusual relationship between Jonathon & King David. So David took up his staff & smote the heathen Philistine a stinging blow to the nuts during the Six Day war which made his eyes water. Then David hit him in the forehead during Yom Kippur & decapitated him. So David slew the Philistine while stealing all of his land against international law & the UN’s Balfour Declaration”

Book of actual facts: Verse one chapter one 😉


Did you ever try reading the bible to ‘HER’ you ungrateful sluggard? 🙂

Evidently St Francis of Assisi (Where we get the word ‘Sissy’ or weird cnut from) was never too tired to peach the gospel to his four footed friends, lest they be judged for their unbelief & fall foul of the angry omnipotent council inspector in the sky & be cast into the pound, there to suffer eternal torture in the fires of the incinerator until they ceased to exist. We’ll all pray for your cat to see the light (Snicker).


So some dud non-existent omnipotent invisible “JUDEO’ Xtian Masonic “GOD” is in control of this cluster-fcuk of a world community still is he? Then, with all the contradictory lying crap he’s pushing through ‘HIS’ free world media which is drowning the intellects of our children with an avalanche of seemingly unstoppable ‘BS’ every day now, he’s proved he’s nothing (Snicker) if not a total friggan’ idiot as the Pommy riff-raff would be wont to say. He oughta be arrested under the Patriot Act 🙂


There’s as much chance a popular plasticine cartoon character from the 70’s called “Gumby” created all time & space rather than an omniscient omnipotent omnipresent cosmic magi with severe anger management issues. My Mom bought me a “Gumby doll” once & we spent countless hours creating pretend universes & avoiding black holes + worm holes + evil assholes too. Then my evil step brother stole my “Gumby doll” god.

So have ‘YOU’ ever had a “God” doll too, apart from a figure of Christ on a crucifix?


For my own reasons, I’m merely posting ‘FACTS’ quoted from either atheists or theists in the best possible perspective available to mock each side of the idiotic dichotomy. Has there been a new edition of the Patriot Act which now makes this illegal, Herr (YouTube) Fuhrer? The Christ had a problem in his day trying to talk lateral sense to theists (Pharisees) & atheists (Sadducees) because each side was an artificially created position which each defended illogically, & sometimes even violently.



Someone commenting that Adolph Hitler was a “Mass killer of non combatants”.



In early 1933, Jewish shareholders of the privately owned US Fed loaned money to Germany needed for the Nazi war build up. Once that was achieved, the first goal of the Nazis under their Fed masters wasn’t Poland, it was “Solomon’s (Stolen) gold” as Mason’s call it, in the treasuries of any country they attacked. That stolen gold was illegally loaned to the US Fed using China as a conduit 40 years later, yet it’s not treason? He was a small cog in a much larger wheel, nothing more, nothing less.


Don’t stop there. The (Secret) ending to WW2 via nuclear blackmail in London in 41 courtesy of Hess on behalf of the US Fed & New York in 45 courtesy of Musso working for Jews in London banks  soon become Korea in 1950 + the Cold War after, with Jews in the British banks having financed Soviets while the US Fed financed Americans + the NATO alliance. Then came Vietnam, yet most damaging for the US was a Nazi gold loan in 73 via the Chinese conduit financing the S&L rorts then Wall St junk bonds.


You comment was that ‘HE’ was a “Mass killer of civilian non combatants”.

Adolph Hitler was nothing more than a figurehead like a king or queen, a mere pawn for his Jewish financiers, both before & after his “SHORT” (Snicker) career. That gold the Nazis stole on behalf of the US Fed created the ability of the “Neo Cons” in America to corrupt & derail the American political structure with the Bush’s acting as little Hitler’s, leading right up to 911 with the castration of the US Constitution 😦


The overall Tube intellect ‘HAS’ been steadily devolving since around 2008 or thereabouts. I’m thinking either the atheists must be sleeping with monkeys & thus lowering their intellects with the kind of Yabba Dabba Dooo you’d expect from a monkey post coitus, or the theist bishops must be sleeping with underage evolved monkeys (Again) & producing atheists?

Naturally I’m not implying anything offensive by that bold statement.

(All those half-brained religious chimpanzee-fcukers breed like flies)


In secret Masonic-kabala occult the JUDEO-Xtian God is a giant ethereal Jew penis called “Baal” who died 40,000+ years ago & rules paradise, or a “Grand Lodge in the Sky” (GLITS) depending on the basic delusion behind Ur bigger perspective. He needs ppl to believe in him because he’s dead & thus not as omnipotent as he used to be. It’s good when ppl cross over the River Styx (Die) expecting to see him cause he runs a “Mass (sic) fcuking Ponzi scheme” which needs new investors (Idiots) every day.


“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

Now we’ll just chop a few bits off this sucker by ‘ACTING’ like ‘PATRIOTS’ who believe in god, then we’ll give the US Fed carte blanche to break every law we ever had:-)


The answer to the Nazi Jews who run Europe, America, or indeed anything else ‘ALIEN’ that’s trying to eat you, is multiple armour piercing sodium x potassium cyanide rounds to the head & heart. Just put the cyanide into grooves around the centre steel core 🙂

That’ll give you ‘SOME’ chance to take a few with you 😦

If you’re French, you may need to wear tin foil hats too 🙂

(That protects the Masonic-kabala god-penis in Ur head)


He who pays the piper calls the tune? The US Fed paid the piper for Nazis while British banks paid Japanese & Italians. Then Hess, presumably piping for the US Fed, took a nuke into London on a Portuguese fishing vessel 2 wks B4 Scotland. Then President Franklin D Roosevelt, or “Rodent-kraut” or whatever his name was, ignored the Pearl Harbour warnings for 3 wks 😦

Finally Musso placed a nuke in Manhattan 3 wks prior to Truman.

Oh yeah, + some ranting Aryan-Astor bio-Jew called the Fuhrer? 🙂


Do you guys still cut the end of your foreskin off like Jews do?

Nothing personal mind. It’s merely a topical question for the sake of the level of science etc behind the custom. Maybe it’s learned behaviour, as in there was some twisted warped Neanderthal chief 2 million yrs ago who suffered a debilitating accident while using sharp stones to crack open some mussels he’d placed in his lap? Ever after, he’d stood in the background of humanity with two sharp stones in his divine Neanderthal mind?


If you cared about big truths & were able to hear questions raised by scientists from the Thule occult society (Real scientists) in the 19th & 20th centuries when a large (Fcuking huge) 400,000 y\o scientific artefact with 36 ft tall hominid skeletons inside were found, along with other things like tech which has inspired mostly mega money arms cartel scientists ever since, then, & only then, could both theists & atheists break out of the straightjacket of bigoted ignorant stupidity they’re in.


That profile pic you find so weird is a picture of me at 11 yrs old. Never mind if you don’t like it, cause it isn’t as weird or vacuous as yours 🙂 As for the other shit you mention, I’d been given the inside info on most of that shit, + a whole mess of other ancient history that I’ve only ever hinted at rather than say any of it straight out. The artefact I’d mentioned was said 2B in Greenland. Knowing the Machiavellian fcuk who told me, that probably means it’s in the Arctic or Antarctic 🙂


Says Froggie the closet Jew with the nickname of “Cathy” methinks 🙂

Nobody knows Solomon’s 1200 royal offspring intermarried with Hittite Assyrian Babylonian & even Roman royal families in time for each Diaspora & the destructions of Jerusalem by foreign armies under the control of Jews? No one knows Carthaginians, Afghan Barukzyes & Suddozyes, Han Chinese Sikhs + Norman Conquerors along with European royalty which flowed from that all had bio Jew blood, then “CATHY” the Cathar is cool, right?








About spacelizardlaw

Hmmm... Christ implied prophetical people like me get monuments built for them once they're dead so Ye-Hah & Whoopee & don't spare the embalming cream...
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